Physical Education

Our intention is to encourage a lifelong enjoyment and participation in physical activity. We work with local coaches and clubs to bring a breadth of experiences to the children; which reflect our local area and the opportunities available to the children.

We do this through our weekly PE sessions, after school club and opportunities to participate in physical activities with local coaches, clubs and other schools. 

By the end of their learning journey at St Bega’s we hope that children have experienced a broad range of physical activities and continue to pursue their own active interests.

Our PE long term plan:

ClassAutumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
2022 – 2023Multi Skills and GymnasticsDance and YogaFootball and SwimmingMulti Skills and SwimmingCricket and Orienteering        Athletics and Tri Golf
2023 – 2024Multi Skills and YogaInvasive Ball Games and DanceGymnastics and DanceCricket and OrienteeringTri Golf and SwimmingAthletics and Swimming
2022-2023Football and Forest SchoolNetball and Forest SchoolHockey and SwimmingTag Rugby and SwimmingTri Golf and Forest SchoolAthletics and Forest school
2023 – 2024Netball and HockeyFootball and GymnasticsTri Golf and RugbyCricket and Outdoor ActivitiesOrienteering and SwimmingAthletics and Swimming

St Bega`s school games Blog page– Keep upto date with events, activities and home learning on our school PE only blog – 

Premier league primary stars – Great resources from a wide variety of UK Football players, mascots and education providers including PE lessons, tutorial videos, interviews, home learning gear and interactive games and activities! This website also hosts a wide variety of information on local clubs, events and nationwide programmes for boys and girls football – 

Supermovers – BBC Bitesize and Primary stars united for a great range of curriculum learning while promoting health and wellbeing – 

KS1+ KS2 Multiplication while moving videos. Hosted by some Football Team mascots with some excellent dance moves and rhymes to help children learn their times tables through actions and songs – 

KS2 Multiplication Moving Mash up – Battle out some timetables with a parent, mate or teacher using this fun video! 

5 star 5 steps Athletics – Created by a Cumbrian team of coaches who have risen through the ranks of pro Athlete to high level coach`s. While training children they have developed a new and alternative way to deliver simple, effective teaching around the key areas in athletics. We are in our 2nd year of delivery of this programme and the tutorial videos and lesson plans are excellent! – 

Nike Move Crew – Through 8 weeks of lockdown Nike athletes and teachers from the UK combined to create some excellent content for children to engage in daily. These sessions are still available and ready to use in the classroom or at home for some excellent high quality physical engagement! 

Active Kids do better – In 2020/21 St Bega`s will be committing to the promotion and facilitation of daily movement in the classroom additional to our weekly 3 hours of PE, Extra curricular PE clubs and this is a simple, easy to use tool which can allow children to design their own workout, choose music and duration for a fun classroom workout!- 

Active Kids do better (part 2)– Another resource from Active kids which has some simple PDF task cards with plenty of ideas for keeping children active with little to no equipment! 

Marathon Kids Free to use resources for using at home or school to support children running short and long distance  – 

Youth Sport Trust – In response to COVID 19 these lesson ideas and resources help support PE in school and home whilst meeting the government guidelines! – 

Change 4 Life  Great resources and information to support children (especially EYFS and KS1) to achieve 60 minutes daily exercise and the importance of a balanced diet. 

Phunky Foods – Phunky foods is about getting back to basics and looking at the importance of what promoting a balanced diet and the reasons why. This site has a load of resources for promoting and teaching around healthy lifestyles and the importance of hydration, teeth, food groups and brilliant ebooks and songs to support classroom snack time and PHSE.  Great recipe ideas for homework ideas or clubs and the classroom! A mass of resources with a variety of curriculum enhancements to link food to history, geography, maths etc and give your lesson plans a real twist! 

This Girl Can! – Its all about celebrating women getting active! Now with the support and backing of Disney this fun movement has set out to encourage girls and mums to get active together with the help of some Disney stars!